Rogue Sheep Development

5 Tips That Will Ensure Your Business Relocation Is A Success

Moving a business to a different set of offices or new business premises is a considerable undertaking, even for a small company. While you might have hired the best from Brilliance Removalists Melbourne to help you, it can nevertheless be an extremely stressful project, not just for the business owner but all the staff, too.

There are a multitude of steps and actions that will each individually help to make the periods before, during, and after the relocation easier to cope with, significantly if they contribute to the move’s success. To give you some ideas about what you can do, we have outlined 5 of the most effective ways to make your office relocation something to enjoy and see as a positive experience rather than a horror show you have nightmares about.

Plan for the Worst, But Expect the Best

No office relocation can succeed if it has not been adequately planned. This should start when a decision to relocate has been made and involve as many of your staff as possible. Your plan will cover all of the basics regarding your move, but it should also anticipate any issues that could arise. This is not to tempt fate but to ensure you are ready to deal with any problems.

Make Sure Everyone Knows What They Need to Know

One of our best tips regarding making your office relocation a success is to communicate with everyone for whom the relocation will have some impact. Your management and staff are communicating with them regarding the relocation specifics. Other business associates, suppliers, clients, utility companies, sign installers, landlords, and so on all need to know. If anything, over on providing too much information rather than not enough.

SEO Practices Google Frowns On

6 SEO Practices Google Frowns On

According to SEO Perth Experts, SEO practices can really help you to success in your website business, whether you want traffic that converts to customers or who will sign up for something you offer for free. As with most things, some people try to trick search engines into giving them a high ranking, but increasingly, these practices not only show them up in a bad light but may completely ruin what could have been a bonafide, successful business.

Here are 6 SEO practices to avoid if you want the search engine gods to smile on your website.

  • Keyword stuffing. This is using keywords much more than is necessary for good grammar and relevant information. Some people even put in keywords to the extent that the sentence simply does not make any sense. Search engines are increasingly aware of this and will certainly not rank your website high if you do it.

Web Design

Web Design Tips to Help Your Business Succeed

In many cases the web design of yesterday are now thought to be inefficient because they clutter up the website and give visitors so many options that they see leaving the website as an easier option. In 2016, the emphasis is on de-cluttering the look and feel of the website and only offering one or two options.

At the same time, websites must be responsive so that users of touch-screen iPhones and tablets can still access them and do all they want to on the website with their device. According to professional web designers, to achieve this some of the features we have become used to in website design are gradually disappearing or changing to improve the user experience. Here are some tips to help your business succeed with a modern, responsive web design.

Leave out the navigation bar

While many users are used to seeing the navigation bar down the left side of the page, the modern web page omits this. Tests have shown that visitors rarely click on it. They read what is on the first page and if they don’t find what they want, they leave.

A navigation bar is an unwanted distraction when all you need can be placed on that front page.  And you can have a full page spread without the navigation bar taking up room. In addition, that extra space often makes the website design pop. It’s like seeing a full page ad in a magazine compared with a three-quarter page ad.

Throw out free stock images

Stock images are the images that everyone uses because they are free. Rather than using those, images that are unique to your website are better. Visuals play an important part in attracting people to a website. If yours are top quality and unique, then you’ll be ahead of the pack. And if you commission them especially then you will be at the top.

Web Design Tools

Best Web Design Tools Of 2019

The number of active websites on the internet is ever-increasing, and there’s a rapidly growing demand for specialists in web design and web development in the modern world. It’s therefore important to current designers to be able to work as efficiently as possible to handle the workload that comes their way.

Luckily, there are a lot of website design tools out there that are designed to help make a designer’s life easier. I’ve crawled the web and consulted some of best web designers in the world, found on Slinky Directory, to find the best web design tools and I bring them to you in this article. Whether you’re creating a brand new website, or redesigning a website, the best website design tools of 2019 include:

Adobe Dreamweaver

Although it isn’t cheap, you should definitely consider adding Adobe Dreamweaver to you website design toolbox. It’s one of the most powerful design tools out there, and it essentially brings everything together into one place to allow those without a lot of coding experience to put their own website together.

Since you don’t have to have a lot of coding knowledge to use Dreamweaver, it has become a favourite among amateur website designers worldwide. And, on top of everything else, it also makes it particularly easy to produce responsive designs, which are absolutely essential in the modern world.

5 Essential Services A Professional Fire Protection Company Should Offer

5 Essential Services A Professional Fire Protection Company Should Offer

Whether you are in need of, or are considering, fire protection services, unless you have a comprehensive knowledge of the subject, it is understandable that you might not be aware of what exactly these kinds of services include.

Another variable will be that some fire protection companies will offer services their services almost like a menu where you select which individual ones you want, and others will package them up with several services included in each package. Regardless of how they are being offered to you, it is important that you are aware of what fire protection services are available to you, so we are going to briefly explain them to you.

One point we must stress is that given the huge diversity of businesses and organisations, and the buildings they are located in, we obviously cannot be too precise with respect to equipment and how each specific service will be implemented, for example. Each location and the fire safety requirements and risks within each will differ, however, we can give you an overview of what the services mean.

5 Nasties That Lurk In Office Carpets Even If They Appear Clean

5 Nasties That Lurk In Office Carpets Even If They Appear Clean

The phrase ‘seeing is believing’ is apt in many circumstances; however, when it comes to the cleanliness and the hygiene of office carpets, it most definitely does not apply. By that, we mean that if you look at the carpet in an office, see it is clean, and believe that it does not require any carpet cleaning, you could be very much mistaken.

The reason you would be mistaken is that whilst the human eye is a marvel of our physiology, it cannot see the microscopic world within the fibres of a carpet. Were it able to or were you to examine the office carpet using a microscope, you would see that, rather than it is clean and hygienic, it instead plays host to an entire world of microscopic unwelcome guests and requires the cleaning services – Let us examine 5 of these miniature nasties.

Food And Drink

Whether it is coffee drips, small spillages from juice bottles or crumbs from sandwiches and crisps, even with daily vacuuming, some of these remain deep within the fibres of an office carpet. Whilst they stay, they are a magnet for bacteria and mould.

Even the occasional rodent out looking for food scraps could be attracted towards your crumb-filled office carpet, which also means that as nature takes its course, the rodent has to deposit its solid waste somewhere. If that is also on your office carpet, the combination of this and the other nasties we mentioned make your office an extremely unhygienic place to work.

Improving Your Dental Practice’s Google Ranking With Effective Website Design

Improving Your Dental Practice’s Google Ranking With Effective Website Design

Any dentist who wishes to have a new website created for their dental practice to show off their skills in dental implants, emergency dentistry and teeth whitening – does not necessarily need to know all the fine detail with respect to the technical aspects of building a website. However, it would serve them well if they did have some knowledge of what specific elements constitute a good web design.

The advantages of this would at first allow them to discuss what they want for their website with more clarity, and thereafter be more able to assess how well the web designer had met those objectives. Moving on from that, knowing how web design can impact search engine rankings, is also a huge plus.

If you happen to be a dentist who is, in fact, currently planning a new website, and with that last point about how web design can impact search engine rankings in mind, here are some of the key elements of effective web design to consider.

Ensure Loading Speed Is Minimal

If you have ever clicked through to a website then had to wait any more than a few seconds for it to load, what went through your mind? Most likely it was not wanting to waste your time, and you probably clicked away to find a quicker loading site. Well, that’s exactly what visitors to your website will do if it takes too long to load.

Loading speed is a vital consideration for any website owner that wants good rankings so you must ensure that your web design takes account of this. Too many initial functions and large files are usually the cause, so ensure these are eliminated or at least minimised.

4 Ways A Business Can Relocate Its Office With Maximum Efficiency

4 Ways A Business Can Relocate Its Office With Maximum Efficiency

Office relocations can happen for all types of reasons. Some can be negative such as a business downsizing due to poor results, but many are positive such as a business expanding, and needing more office space as it employs lots of new staff. Other reasons could be that the lease on a particular office space is expiring and not being renewed. or even that the building that the office is located in is earmarked for demolition.

Relocating to another office can be a considerable project and will most likely require cooperation across a number of departments within the business, requiring business management. There is also the planning and the execution of the move to consider and the potential of lost revenue on the days that office relocation happens, that you will want to minimise.

To give you some assistance in ensuring that everything that you want to happen with respect to your office relocation, happens, and everything you do not want to happen, does not, here are our top tips for an efficient office relocation with the help of office removalists.

Plan, Plan And Then Plan Again

You might have surmised from that sub-heading that we see planning as important, and it most certainly is. The key to your entire office relocation going ahead with as little disruption as possible is how well you plan everything, down to the smallest detail.

If you have departments within your office get each department head to make their own little mini-plan as to what needs to be done in order to move their department. Make updates and alterations as needed throughout the planning stage so that on the day of the move, you are simply checking each stage of the relocation from a checklist as it happens.

5 Unusual Team Building Activities With Specific Objectives

5 Unusual Team Building Activities With Specific Objectives

If you are a team leader, if you do even a little research, you should be able to find many unusual team-building activities that you can use to boost, enhance, and motivate your team. While those three objectives we just mentioned are desirable, there are many other benefits that team-building exercises can produce.

As the team leader, this means that before you organise a team-building activity, even one that is considered unusual, you should first determine your goals and objectives for it. Obviously, you want it to be fun for your team, but more importantly, what benefits do you want the activity to produce, and what positive outcomes do you want for your team?

Without first establishing these and then arranging team-building activities that can facilitate your objectives, the activity will be nothing more than a day out, and whilst it may produce some positives, it may not have satisfied the needs of that team as you see it with regard to making it a stronger and more focused team.

Facebook To Promote A Dentistry Practice

Using Facebook To Promote A Dentistry Practice

If you are a dentist, you presumably have an interest in how your practice or clinic markets itself in order to attract new clients and patients for cosmetic dental procedures. Obviously, the size of your practice may dictate the budget you have for marketing, but in truth, it is not so much the size of your budget that dictates marketing success, but rather, how effectively it is used.

One of the most popular means of promoting dental practices is social media, and the prime social media platform that businesses use to promote themselves is Facebook. As well as being somewhere where family and friends stay in touch and post funny videos and photos, it is also where literally millions of businesses find new customers.

In order to be one of those businesses, the first thing that your dental practice needs to have is its own page. This is basically your own little piece of real estate within the Facebook platform.

To use your page effectively you need to create useful content that you can post there. For a dental practice, these should obviously relate to subjects like oral hygiene, information about looking after teeth and gums, and news about new treatments, to give just three examples.