Legal Help

Need Legal help with Starting or Running your Business?

Reliable Business Lawyers look out for your Best Interests

Every business entrepreneur is aware that starting and running a business is no mean task but they may not be familiar with the type of problems that may crop up. Hiring reputed commercial lawyers like Lawyers Perth right from the beginning helps prevent problems and reduces the likelihood of stress, confusion and heavy legal expense at a later stage. Most business owners may consider hiring a lawyer as an expense (especially when they need every dollar to invest in the business). However, the truth is that having a lawyer looking out for you can help you concentrate on other tasks without having to worry about legal implications of decisions. Business lawyers are trained in Australian commercial law and will explain to you the pros and cons of different options and business decisions. They will help you weigh the advantages against potential pitfalls and as a result, you are able to make informed commitments. As online business advice experts will tell you, a business that is unfettered by legal problems and headaches is more likely to thrive, grow and prosper.


Tips to Prevent Litigation Against Your Small Business

Lawyers will tell you that litigation once only happened to large businesses; these days, it is also increasingly happening in the small business environment. It can be disastrous for any business, but even more so for the smaller one that doesn’t always have the resources to pay for it and recover. If you own a small business, here are some tips to prevent litigation from happening to you.

  • Watch your mouth. Being careful about what you say or write will help keep you out of hot water. These days, some people are on the defensive all the time, which means a thoughtless joke or comment can be taken the wrong way, and the next thing you know, you are up for slander, libel or harassment of some kind.

Email Marketing

How To Ensure Your Marketing Emails Get Read

If you are not tracking open rates for any of your email marketing campaigns then you should be. If you did check your tracking numbers you may be shocked at how few of the emails that you send actually get opened.

There can be many reasons for this, and it can be very frustrating, spending time making sure your email is as good as it can be, only to see more than half your subscribers don’t even open it. However, there are some actions which you can take to improve open rates and one of the most effective is to improve the subject lines of the emails you send.

One of the most obvious reasons subject lines can impact on open rates is that many people simply scan the subject lines when checking their email, and if they like it they open the email, and if they don’t it gets trashed. This might sound brutal but it is the reality.

Making your subjects more appealing means they must first spark interest in the person looking at them and this interest can fall into one of three specific categories.

ECommerce Store

Choosing a Niche For Your ECommerce Store

If you have decided to open an eCommerce store, is it going to be a general store or a niche store? If you are unsure what the difference is, it’s simply that a general store will sell to any market, and a niche store will focus on selling products which relate a specific subject.

An example of a general eCommerce business could be one that sells t-shirts, caps and other printed goods across all sorts of subjects such as pets, sports, types of employment and hobbies. A niche eCommerce store which also sells t-shirts etc will only sell them if they are within the niche the business targets, such as dog lovers, golfers, teachers or camping enthusiasts, for example.

The main benefit of starting an eCommerce business which targets a specific niche, rather than across general markets, is you can very easily identify those who have an interest in your niche. You will also find that people within a niche can be very passionate about it, and often buy everything they can which relates to it. This will not be the case if your products are more generally targeted.

Leasing Disputes

Leasing Disputes under Australian law and Commercial Tenancy Tribunal

Under Australian law, as soon as an individual signs a commercial lease, he is legally bound to fulfil all terms and conditions of the lease, including the payment of rent, for the whole duration of the lease. Verbal agreements to change the lease are not binding in Australia. If a tenant and the landlord (the individual or business entity leasing the premises) desires to amend the terms and conditions of the lease, such amendments must be set forth in writing, usually with the participation of commercial property lawyers on one side and another firm representing the other side. Both the tenant and landlord must consent to any alterations in the lease. If both the tenant and landlord are completely aware of and consent to the lease conditions, there should be no disputes. Common grey areas, or the areas for confusion involve rent increases and lease renewals.

One of the reliable means of handling leasing disputes is mediation. A hearing by a special tribunal may be viewed as another way to remedy leasing conflicts and disputes. Each State and Territory of Australia has its own tribunal that specialises in handling commercial tenancy disputes. Thus, ACT Tenancy Tribunal was established in 1994 to handle disputes concerning retail premises, or premises located in a shopping centre and small commercial premises that are not located in a shopping centre. The ACT Tenancy Tribunal presently rests its decisions on the Leases (Commercial and Retail) Act 2001.[1]

personal appearance

The Double Edged Sword of Your Personal Appearance

If you are a woman in business you may have become aware that your personal appearance can be a double-edged sword. You do everything to make yourself attractive and presentable for the job only to find you can’t advance because someone thought you were too attractive and that would distract the male employees. If you’ve been in business for some years and have wondered if you should get Botox treatment for those fine wrinkles, take this into account.

Of course you want to look your best, but the trouble is that if you appear too attractive you’ll have to work twice as hard to make people take you seriously. Those with suspicious minds may have other thoughts on how you got the job in the first place or how you managed to keep it. This is why it’s good to go with what you like and don’t pay too much attention to what other people think of you.

Business Plan

What Should be in Your Business Plan

Behind every successful business there is a comprehensive business plan. According to experienced financial planners Andep, there are many things this plan should contain, apart from your personality, including a financial planning section. This should be written by a financial advisor, or at least from information they have provided. Having a financial planner to help will show any lenders that you are serious about your business and they will be able to quickly see whether it is a viable investment opportunity for them.

Here are some of the other things that should be in your business plan: –

  • The title page is more important than you might think. By including this page your lenders will be able to quickly see what the plan is for and general information about it.
  • A one-page business summary. This will need to be written after everything else, but it should be included in the front so investors can get a comprehensive, but brief idea of your business.
  • About your business: this is all the information about the structure, registrations, premises, location, staffing and your products or services.
  • Your marketing plan: You need to do a marketing analysis of the industry you are entering, describe your target market and your competitors. Detail your key marketing plans and how you intend to meet your targets – digital marketing, traditional marketing, email marketing? This will show investors you know what you are doing.


Business & Your Appearance

It is said that a woman’s age is told by her hands rather than her face. Whether that is true or not, many women in business turn to cosmetic surgery in particular botox in order to present a smooth and young looking face to the world. But if the back of their hands are wrinkled and spotted, their age is still going to show up. That is why it’s important to take care of your hands as well as your face.

There are many facial cosmetics that can hide small veins or age spots on the face, but not as many for the hands. In any case, you need to wash your hands often and that would remove the make-up on them. The best way to keep hands looking young is to slather them in moisturiser at night and after washing them.


About Social Media Marketing

If you are a startup or new business in the online world you may only have a small budget for your internet marketing spend. If so, social media marketing may be of interest.  Social Media Marketing is a good way to market your business without spending big dollars on advertising, but the trade-off is that it takes time, at least to do it right.

The learning curve is not terribly steep, especially if you have used social media platforms for fun. Most people have been on Facebook and similar social media sites just for fun, so are used to how it all works. You may have even clicked on one of the ads you see on your page and bought something. Why did you click on it? Because it was something you were interested in.

So imagine having an ad in such a place for your own business. Other people are quite likely to click on it if they are interested in your product or service. The only difference is, now you will learn exactly how to make that ad. This is the backbone of the matter and is hidden from those who click on it as buyers.


How to Find the Best Corporate Property to Lease

Professional legal advice will tell you that there are many different criteria to finding the best lease, but before you can even start to look at what is in the lease you have to find a new office building that suits. Here are some tips to help find the property best suited to your kind of business.

  • Know your target market. Only by knowing the market and where they are likely to be can you be sure of putting your business in the same place. While location is not that important for some, it can spell success or disaster for others. So if you have a coffee shop or a butcher’s shop you need to be right where the foot traffic is, but also where there is plenty of parking. If you sell bulk supplies of timber or hardware your business will be in the industrial area. But you’ll need room for larger vehicles to drive in and access their goods rather than multiple parking spaces for cars.