Website Marketing

Adwords Marketing

Is Adwords Marketing Right for You?

Once you start looking into ways and means to advertise your small business, you will soon come across the option of Adwords marketing offered by PPC experts like Slinky Internet Marketing. This usually refers to Google Adwords. Google makes it really easy for almost anyone to set up an Adwords, or pay per click campaign, with options for much of the work to be automated, but that is not to say it is the best way to create such ads. It can be an option for those who find the process difficult and tedious.

Part of the automation process is that the ads are placed onto websites without any input from you. The keywords you use are what determines where the ads are placed. It is important then to use the right keywords. Some words sound the same but have different meanings so you need to use the negative keywords function to weed these out. Otherwise you will be paying for clicks from people who are not in the least interested in your product.


Social Media Marketing Tips for Twitter

Twitter is a social media marketing platform that people with an online store sometimes overlook because it is only text based – or was, that has changed now with one image allowed per post. Still, when you have a lot of products it is difficult to know what image to use. And since the text is not very long, you don’t get much chance to describe the product. So how can you use Twitter as a digital marketing platform? Here are a few tips from a digital agency to help you.

  • In actual fact, Twitter is stripped to the bare bones of social media marketing which makes it very easy and quick to use. Once you get used to ‘tweeting’ in short, succinct phrases you will find that your marketing efforts don’t take much time and can reward you much more than you would expect. You don’t have to set up a page, or worry about creating an interesting post that gives all the details. A few words and a URL and you’re done.